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The time that you spend with your forum is incredibly precious. Everyone in the group has a business to run; consequently, there is never enough time for family and friends, let alone personal time. I'm passionate about maximizing the value of your time to help you breakthrough, transform your life, and to help you truly be an entrepreneur that transforms the world.


Corporate retreats

Some things CEO's Have asked alana to do for their companies

  • Increase compassion: Greater compassion within a company increases employee’s overall happiness with their job, leading to greater productivity and profit.
  • Build camaraderie: Camaraderie builds a tight-knit team ready to take on the most challenging of projects and business obstacles.
  • Break through communication roadblocks: Improving communication streamlines a company’s workflow allowing for faster turn-around time to meet business objectives.
  • Clarify Values, Vision and Mission—and use that as a base for a solid company culture: Clarifying one’s values, vision, and mission for their company gets them to see the “bigger picture” and set their company, and their employees, on a course to success.
  • A day of growth for their team: focus on their personal values and help them clarify their personal goals.

Clarity. Growth. Inspiration.

In the end, it’s all about self awareness. Know thyself. It seems so ironic that it’s such a challenge. I mean, we’re here with ourselves 100% of the time, right? Except, we’re not.

Everyone has a superpower. Mine is to enable and empower people to see within themselves.
— Alana Winter