Forum Retreats
Alana Winter combines her experience as a CEO, 20 years as an entrepreneur, 20 years in EO, and 8 years of leading forums for EO/YPO to deliver a series of unique and powerful program offerings.
Program Timeline: Each of these represent an 8-hour program and can be delivered as a single day or combined as modules delivered over a day and a half.
Retreat Subject Options:
Customized Forum Retreat:
Starting with a full forum survey, Alana analyzes the results and discusses the results with the moderator to create a specific unique program to address the areas of greatest development. This is helpful for a forum at any stage.
Some of the topics can include:
- Improving the Forum Process
- Alignment around Mission, Vision and Values
- True 5% Updates
- Developing Powerful Presentations
- Insightful Coaching Skills
- Deeper Levels of Openness and Trust
- Gestalt 2.0
Communication skills drive the quality of every relationship in your life. This work will change the dynamic with in the forum leading to deeper and more meaning full connection. It will have immediate use and value for getting past blocks with business partners and employees. Participants have said it has had huge positive impact on spousal and all family relationships as well.
- Learn to have difficult conversations, how to move from confrontation to care-frontation.
- Learn how to talk so others will listen, and how to listen so others will open up to you.
- Learn how to get to the core issue in every situation and how to get ‘un-stuck’.
- Learn conflict resolution tools which will serve to increase connection.
The following four programs are recommended to be done sequentially over time:
My Purpose & My Values
This program is foundational, the ground work for the retreat programs that follow. In a firm, but gentle fashion, Alana will guide participants to find their personal purpose and values. Participants in this retreat will address and answer the following two fundamental questions:
- What truly matters to me?
- What are my highest values in life?
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
Goals that Matter
Only after you understand your values, and what drives you, can you set goals that truly matter and are worthy of your time and dedication. Frequently, entrepreneurs are in pain because the set empty goals, not tied to their calling in life, and give up before they attain them. Participants in this retreat will address and answer the following two fundamental questions:
- What are the key changes I want to make in my life?
- What is the plan that will help me achieve each of these changes?
Leading an Intentional Life
Achieving clarity on your purpose, and meaningful goals are the steps that start to lead you to an intentional life. In this workshop we learn to see clearly what is going on around us, to be in control rather than led by reaction or circumstance. Too often we're riding a speeding train going straight ahead without ever looking around to be sure we're still on the right track. We arrive at a destination unsure how we got there, or if it’s where we want to be in the first place. This is what happens when we are reactive instead of intentional.
Participants in this retreat will address and answer these fundamental questions:
- How do I take full control of my destiny?
- How do I go from reactive to active in any situation?
- How am I getting in my own way, and how can I remove the stumbling blocks?
Leaving a Personal & Family Legacy
Why are you here and what is the mark that you want to leave on the world? What do you stand for and how will you be remembered? The purpose of this retreat is to create a life of integrity and deep fulfillment. Participants will address and answer these key questions:
- What is my vision for my personal legacy, the mark that I want to leave on the world?
- What is my vision for my family legacy, and how will I co-create this?
Note: All retreats include a survey sent to all members pre retreat. Personal review by Alana with the moderator. Any pre-work, and hand outs are included. Alana also schedules two 30 minute follow up calls with the moderator in the three months post retreat. In these calls we’ll make sure that everything is on track and supply any follow up material if needed.