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The time that you spend with your forum is incredibly precious. Everyone in the group has a business to run; consequently, there is never enough time for family and friends, let alone personal time. I'm passionate about maximizing the value of your time to help you breakthrough, transform your life, and to help you truly be an entrepreneur that transforms the world.


Testimonials from Participants of Transformative Retreats

"Alana’s approach is charming and disarming, an incredible learning experience."

"One of my best takeaways from today is learning how to lead with grace from watching you." 

"Morale was suffering in my company. Using Alana's communication tools, I was able to guide the discussion from a 'bitch fest' to coming up with a meaningful list of things to move us forward."

"I frequently jump to conclusions when listening to people. ... Over the last week I’ve used what I've learned and realized that I didn’t gather their true intent. This has changed everything for me. Thank you for that."

"... I went home and talked to my wife about many sensitive things we had been having trouble effectively communicating about. My wife felt heard and understood and we effectively walked through some very difficult subjects better than we have been able to do in the past."

"I wanted to let you know that I finally had the conversation I needed to have with my Father. I prepared for hours, envisioning my ideal outcome, laying out the facts.... I can’t tell you what a 25-year-long weight this lifted off of my shoulders. This was a real turning point for me to finally be able to live my life fully for myself. Really awesome life-changing stuff!"

"Learning to be more present and aware allowed me to better see and understand my clients and my marketplace. Because of this I changed our product offerings and had a 35% jump in sales. It's directly from the active listening and awareness work that we did on your retreat."